In this condition the placenta is partially or wholly implanted in the lower uterine segment on either anterior or posterior wall. The anterior location is less serious than the posterior The lower uterine segment grows and stretches progressively after the 12th week of pregnancy in later weeks this may cause the placenta to separate and severe bleeding can occur h is more blast to such a commonly seen in multigravida. Degrees of Placenta Previa.
Placenta Previa: The major portion of the placenta is in the upper uterine segment. Vaginal delivery is possible. Blood loss is usually mild and the mother and foetus remain in good condition.
Type 2
Placenta Praevia: The placenta is partially located in the lower segment near the internal cervical Os (marginal placenta praevia). Vaginal delivery is possible, particularly if the placenta is anterior. Blood loss is usually moderate.
Type 3
Placenta Praevia: The placenta is located over the internal cervical os but centrally and bleeding is likely to be severe. Vaginal delivery is inappropriate because the placenta precedes the foetus.
Type 4
Placenta Praevia. The placenta is located centrally over the internal cervical os the torrentail hemorrhage is very likely. Caesarean section is essential in order to save the live of the mother and the fetus.