

Health Prevention

 Health Prevention

 Stages of health prevention

Primary prevention: Health education enables people to value their health and know about the disease and how to use the health services for health. such as MCH services can motivate them for personal hygiene habits and healthy behavior for themselves. like using safe water mosquitoes nets .health education also helps healthcare providers understand what should do further to make them healthier.

Secondary prevention: Health education defines as helping people and values different screening procedures. such as those who are involved in MCH service.it can help people to recognize the sign and symptoms of the disease. it can help them co-operate in report disease surveillance programs for diseases like polio measles tetanus and malaria.

Tertiary prevention: Health education can help people to understand the disease better and co-operate with the Medical service to continue treatment of the disease until cured. while people are attending for treatment health education can also teach the new knowledge about how to prevent disease.


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