

Food Preservation


Foods like fruits and vegetables are sometimes bought in bulk during the season for the economy, but since they have a short shelf-life, either they must be consumed immediately or stored temporarily or permanently, without letting them spoil. Foods can be stored temporarily for 2-4 days by keeping them in a cool dry, ventilated place so that the fruits are kept fresh and are not infected with any micro-organism which causes the fruits/vegetables to rot. Foods can be stored for longer periods by preserving them. This is a traditional method, developed over the centuries when man wished to store foods that were surplus during a certain season. Foods can be preserved by the following methods.

Dehydration: This is one of the oldest methods of preservation. The food is exposed to air and sunshine to dry, or hung near the fire to dry. Drying excludes all the moisture, hence the food does not spoil. Some of the common examples of air-dried foods are dried meat, (dried near the fire) fish, prawns, peas, beans, Spanish mint, cabbage, Ladyfingers, cauliflower carrots, potatoes, and radish. Method: Clean sort And wash all the vegetables. peel and cut potatoes and all vegetables. Shell peas chickpeas vegetables should be tied in a soft cloth and immersed in salted water for the Time indicated.
The blanched vegetable is immediately dipped in cold water and then in 1% solution of sodium meta bi-sulfate for five minutes, drip-dried and spread over a tray/charpoy, and covered by a muslin cloth to protect from flies and dust for 3-4 days they dry. When a handful of dried vegetables are crumpled in the hand, the vegetable pieces should not adhere to each other. Pack them in clean airtight containers. Soak the dry vegetables in lukewarm water before use. Salting: Salt inhibits the growth of microorganisms, dehydrates the food, and does not cause the food to spoil due to the action of the enzymes. Salt is added directly to the food or the food may be preserved in a salt solution. Foods that can be salted and preserved are fish, meat, fresh beans, Fish, and meat are cleansed, sprinkled with salt, and packed in jars alternated with a thin layer of salt and left in a cool place. The whole limes are salted, put in jars left in the sun tun using jams, jellies, etc Fruit pulp and sugar by equal weight are cooked together. Sugar is also an effective preservative. Fruits are preserved in sugar in the form to be added if required.

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