Pregnancy issues/changes in pregnancy
when women become pregnant certain physiological changes may take place in their bodies many of these are temporary. although some problems may carry whole life like stretchy marks of pregnancy's changes in the breast and, abdominal wall and genital tracks.
changes in the reproductive system.
Cervix: Because of increased vascularity, the cervix becomes more succulent and softer until its consistency is similar to that of lips, whereas the normal cervix when palpated offers a resistance to touch like the tip of the nose. the cervix undergoes several changes and becomes noticeably softer. the cervical canal is filled with a puff of mucus the secretion of the cervical gland acts as a barrier to bacteria. Early in the labor, this plug is expelled and slight bleeding results. the bleeding together with the mucus plug is spoken of as snow.
Vagina: The vagina undergoes changes to accommodate itself for the passage for the baby's head because of the increased blood supply it takes of the bluish color. This is called Chadwick's sign of pregnancy. The sign may be usually maybe recognized after the eighth week of pregnancy.
Tube and Ovaries: The tube and ovaries are also undergone a change. They are pulled upward into the abdomen as the fetus grows. This is included in the sign and symptoms of pregnancy.
Breast changes: The breasts undergo marked changes. They enlarge and in the early months of pregnancy are sometimes painful. The nipples, because of their fullness, are quite sensitive, especially in cold weather. The nipples become more deeply pigmented and erectile. And after a few months ' gestations, thin watery fluid called colostrum may be expressed from them. At this time the areolae show pigmentation, usually pink in a blonde individual and often brown to black in brunettes. In the primary areolae are found several tubercles called the glands of Montgomery. The appearance of these glands is spoken of as a presumptive sign of pregnancy The hormones of pregnancy cause the breasts to enlarge. After the baby is born, the lactogenic hormone stimulates the breast to secrete milk. These changes can be felt in 4 weeks of pregnancy and these are very common problems in pregnancy.
pregnancy issues in Pakistan, pregnancy symptoms
4 weeks pregnant symptoms
changes in pregnancy month common problems